Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thoughts On Ike

If you're not in Houston, you're probably reading this. Right now most of our friends and family are assessing damage, living at friends' houses, standing in lines for food, water, ice, gas and are under strict police-enforced curfews. We are totally consumed with thoughts about home, our families and loved ones, and we're eating up all the news we can get our hands on about what's happening back in Houston. I am feeling guilty, I'm not there to share in all of this, and I get choked up when I think of all the weirdness that's happening back at home.



But good lordy- the only hurricane I went through in Houston wasn't even a hurricane come to think of it- it was Tropical Storm Allison. Water was the problem there, and fortunately our house was high and dry. Working conditions were restored through most the city in a matter of days, we never went a day without power, and there were no long lines for necessities like gas, food or water. So, basically, I have no point of reference as to what is going on there, and it kills me. I wish I could fly home tomorrow and help out, but there are so many folks there locally that are out of power and have time and desire to help, I'd just be flying in to sit at the airport, as there's no gas anywhere and who knows where I'd sleep.

All I can say about this is HOLY CRAP we wish we were there to help. I didn't know how bad a hurricane could be until I saw photos of my friend's house with a tree poking through her roof. And images of our neighbors with a tree through their house. And numerous neighbors with smashed cars, houses, and trees down in every direction. Our house managed to make it without damage, and I am thanking every deity, just to cover all my bases on this one. Kathryn reported that everything was looking pretty good, but there are some hanging tree-tops that look a little scary- once tree services are out and running around that should be an easy (albeit not cheap) thing to remedy. Others have it so much worse, which compounds the original guilt. (And, just so you know, Dutch chocolate doesn't help.)


Unknown said...

Hey Kari...just wanted to say "happy talk like a pirate day!"


Kari said...

Arrrr!!! Was that today? I think we will have "Talk Like A Pirate Weekend" to make up for the fact we missed it. Hope things are becoming normal for you back home...